Thursday, May 28, 2009

Privacy = Security

Hello all !  This is just something I need to get off my brain.....if I have posted this before please forgive me....but.... it really needs restating.

I'm soooo tired of the probing that people on the net do.  If I wanted all my personal info on the web I'd put it there !  When are people going to realize that identity theft and other bad things that can ruin a person really do exist.

If I chose to stay secure by not giving my a/s/l to everyone and anyone....who cares !  Why not get to know ME for my personality rather than my real name ??   Does knowing someone's name really make all the difference ?
Honestly picture chat with someone online, you really enjoy the conversations and interactions, you feel like you wanna meet in person - now - you find out that there real name is let's say "Sue" you no longer like them because you hate the name sue ? Does it change anything about them ? NOPE. They are still them - so no matter what name they go by it should not matter....PERIOD.

So, get to know the person.
Don't let a relationship/friendship be ruined by something as petty as a name.
You could be missing out on a great friendship.....think about it.....if they care about their security they will be mindful of yours as well :)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

1st post

This is my blog.
This is the 1st blog I've ever had.
This is my first post.
This is the 1st post on my 1st blog that I've ever had.
This is my blog.