Friday, May 20, 2011

I think I've grown gills

YUP !  I really do think I have grown gills.  If they ever remake the movie Waterworld I am ready .. lol.
For those who aren't in the New England area let me explain......

We've had rain.

Not a day of rain here or there.


It's like living in England ! You can count on rain, mist, scattered showers daily lately.......oh yeah and mosquitoes ! You'd think they'd not be able to fly when it's sprinkling out - WRONG!

The couple semi-sunny days (between showers) we've had in the last 2 months let my fruit trees bloom - oh so pretty - However, without clear warm weather the bees don't fly. No bees flying means no pollinating. No pollinating means no fruit ! Oh well, the blossoms were pretty until the next downpour hit.

So....not only have I grown gills...but I also think I am beginning to get moldy. At least in the cranium. LOL.
I've not been one whose moods are affected by the seasons - but this is getting to me - seriously getting to me - really seriously getting to me.

UGH ! I need warm sunny days....even warm overcast days !

Well that's all for now.
Going to toss myself in the dryer and set it on fluff.