Thursday, November 29, 2012


That is the word I have found myself saying way to often lately.
Christians who preach "love" doctrine - yet abhor other Christians who live polygamy.
Seculars that support "live and let live" or "follow your bliss" thinking - yet say only perverts and abusers want a polygamous  life.
People from any and all walks of life who believe that no woman would really CHOOSE to be a polygamous wife because they themselves would never choose that kind of life.
Those who say they are curious to listen to you about your life - then spend the time asking questions is an accusatory manner - and not hearing a word you say.
People who say they are polygamists and/or want to live polygamy, who want freedom to live their lives peacefully - yet spend their time criticizing,condemning, and complaining about Activists who are working for the same thing.

Amazing grace - How sweet the sound - That saved a WRETCH like me - I once was lost - but now am found - was BLIND but now I SEE.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Feeling like made of Elastic

Yup. Elastic. Mostly because lately been pulled in several directions at once. 
Problem is elastic loses it's stretchability...........
......... and so am I.

Things have to change soon before I snap lol.

Hoping Fall will bring that change.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Of the Right Mind ? or Minds ? The Double-Minded Dilemma

Like the Fixx says in their song.....

"You see dimensions in two
State your case with black or white
But when one little cross leads to shots, grit your teeth
You run for cover so discreet

Why don't they do what you say?
Say what you mean oh, babe
One thing leads to another
You told me something wrong
I know I listen too long but then
One thing leads to another"

Has anyone other than me ever dealt with such a person or people ?  Do you find it as exhausting and frustrating as I do ?  No matter whether it's a friend, relative, co-worker or neighbor ...... dealing with such a person is difficult.
What can be done though ?
What should be done ?
I don't know.......... wish I had the answer...... in the past I would cut such a person from my life completely. Was that the correct choice ?  Probably not.  I miss those people as some were family.
By cutting them out they couldn't affect my mental state any longer....but it was also a loss of heart to cut them out. 
So, which is better ?
If they are allowed to remain then the pain caused by their double-mindedness is also allowed to continue isn't it ?  Right ??  Like a slow burning pile of leaves - smoldering but never totally engulfed.  Maybe the pain would become "normal" and you would adjust and adapt. 
No............that can't be healthy.
Sigh........still no answers.
Still not clear.
Is it same as "lying" ?  In their mind it's not. In my mind it is. Who's right ?
How does one help a double-minded person ?  How do you help someone who doesn't think they have a problem ?
Maybe it's us single-minded people who have the problem.....................because we can't figure out how to handle the double-minded.
That's my thought...for now anyway.

Friday, April 27, 2012

God, Garden, Life

God's Garden

By Dorothy Frances Gurney (1858-1932)

THE Lord God planted a garden
In the first white days of the world,
And He set there an angel warden
In a garment of light enfurled.

So near to the peace of Heaven,
That the hawk might nest with the wren,
For there in the cool of the even
God walked with the first of men.

And I dream that these garden closes
With their shade and their sun-flecked sod
And their lilies and bowers of roses,
Were laid by the hand of God.

The kiss of the sun for pardon,
The song of the birds for mirth, –
One is nearer God's heart in a garden
Than anywhere else on earth.

For He broke it for us in a garden
Under the olive-trees
Where the angel of strength was the warden
And the soul of the world found ease.

That poem is so true.  Personally for me anyway. 
When life is pulling me in all directions - I run to my garden and peace surrounds me. 
When things in my life are stressing me out - I run to my garden and peace fills me. 
When my heart is missing loved ones gone - I run to my garden and peace soothes my heavy heart. 
The garden is truly a wonderful thing.  I highly recommend gardening or even just going and sitting in a garden and soaking in the beauty.
Another benefit of gardening is weeding.....Yes I said WEEDING....if you are in a bad mood for any reason, weeding the garden will take the anger away weed by weed ! 

Truly I am thankful that GOD created the garden.   We've had alot of long long talks in my gardens, God and I.

"One is nearer God's heart in a garden
Than anywhere else on earth."

Thank you LORD.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Target Stores want to to pluck the lark ?

Has anyone else seen the ad for Target where the background music is Alouette ?

Can ANYONE explain the purpose for picking that song for their ad ?

Does it make anyone WANT to rush out and go to Target ?

Odd.................very odd.

All its made me want to do is walk around singing the silly song !
EVERY-BODY SING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alouette, gentille Alouette

Alouette je te plumerai

Alouette, gentille Alouette

Alouette je te plumerai

Je te plumerai la tete

Je te plumerai la tete

Et la tete, et la tete

Et la tete, et la tete


Alouette, gentille Alouette

Alouette je te plumerai

Alouette, gentille Alouette

Alouette je te plumerai

Alouette, gentille Alouette

Alouette je te plumerai

Je te plumerai le nez

Je te plumerai le nez

Et le nez, et le nez

Et le nez, et le nez


Alouette, gentille Alouette

Alouette je te plumerai

Alouette, gentille Alouette

Alouette je te plumerai

Alouette, gentille Alouette

Alouette je te plumerai

Je te plumerai les yeux

Je te plumerai les yeux

Et les yeux, et les yeux

Et les yeux, et les yeux


Alouette, gentille Alouette

Alouette je te plumerai

Alouette, gentille Alouette

Alouette je te plumerai

Alouette, gentille Alouette

Alouette je te plumerai

Je te plumerai le cou

Je te plumerai le cou

Et le cou, et le cou

Et le cou, et le cou


Alouette, gentille Alouette

Alouette je te plumerai

Alouette, gentille Alouette

Alouette je te plumerai

Alouette, gentille Alouette

Alouette je te plumerai

Je te plumerai les ailes

Je te plumerai les ailes

Et les ailes, et les ailes

Et les ailes, et les ailes


Alouette, gentille Alouette

Alouette je te plumerai

Alouette, gentille Alouette

Alouette je te plumerai

Alouette, gentille Alouette

Alouette je te plumerai

Je te plumerai le dos

Je te plumerai le dos

Et le dos, et le dos

Et le dos, et le dos


Alouette, gentille Alouette

Alouette je te plumerai

Alouette, gentille Alouette

Alouette je te plumerai

Alouette, gentille Alouette

Alouette je te plumerai

Je te plumerai les pattes

Je te plumerai les pattes

Et les pattes, et les pattes

Et les pattes, et les pattes


Alouette, gentille Alouette

Alouette je te plumerai

Alouette, gentille Alouette

Alouette je te plumerai

Alouette, gentille Alouette

Alouette je te plumerai

Je te plumerai la queue

Je te plumerai la queue

Et la queue, et la queue

Et la queue, et la queue


Alouette, gentille Alouette

Alouette je te plumerai

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Chicken meet head ... Head meet chicken

Ever bite off more than you know you can chew ?
Ever feel like ya might choke on the mouthful but don't want to spit it out yet can't breathe?

Well most days are like that for me.

Besides working fulltime, I've got yahoo and google groups, facebook - personal and poly, various other sites I'm member of...some very important others not so much, and then there is home and family and friends.
I'm plumb tuckered !

I know, I KNOW! I gotta learn to say No or delegate some of my responsibilities to others....I just hate burdoning anyone with my self-imposed workload lol.

Now, here comes Springtime....means garden cleanup and hectic job season......and Lots of urges to expand my gardens and start new

Ok, well gotta keep nibbling at it all before I choke.

Thanks for listening :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

This Guy Really Gets It !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey all !

The 2nd season of the NPA's speeches are being posted to youtube now. The

first one was last is amazing how much insight he really has!

Ya gotta check this out.......

The Power of Attracting Woman's Choice

National Polygamy Advocate Mark Henkel reveals the "secret power" of

attracting woman's choice. In this entertaining yet powerfully informative

speech, he shows that

* The fact of nature that Women CHOOSE the Men in relationships;

* This fact impacts marriage of a woman and a man; and

* This fact impacts polygamous marriage even that much moreso.

At the start of this presentation, Mark Henkel says to the audience, "If

you're a man, you're going to learn something. And if you're a woman, you're

probably going to chuckle-thinking that this is actually a man who

understands something women have long known for years. And if you're a

hostile anti-polygamist, your false accusations will be utterly refuted."

By realizing the "secret power" of attracting woman's choice, all of society

can see that there is nothing to fear from this. Consenting adult polygamy

can only be possible by each WOMAN'S CHOICE. A man will never be able to

successfully "be a polygamist" (or remain a polygamist) if he does not

unceasingly apply this "secret power."