Saturday, October 12, 2013

How I See Dating Sites

This subject has come up on a few different groups so I thought I'd address it here.

I've heard people comment about how they have not found a wife at a dating site so therefore the site is no good. Or that some of the women have been there awhile so therefore the site is no good.

Obviously those people who think that way are looking at it all wrong.

In both cases they have not stopped and thought that maybe the reason they
didn't find a wife is because the right person wasn't there yet or had beenthere but left before they joined....and as far as the women being there awhile - maybe those women haven't found the right family yet !

A good analogy would be "clothes shopping"

If one goes shopping for a new outfit they tend to already know what they want.  Style. Color. And of course it has to fit :-)

They find an outfit but it's wrong color - why would they get it ?
They wouldn't.

They find an outfit but it's the wrong style - why would they get it ?
They wouldn't.

They find an outfit but it just doesn't fit 0 why would they get it?
They wouldn't.

Not all women are going to be what a family is seeking.......and not all
families are going to be what a woman is seeking.....and neither should "settle"
for less.
Hence why one might not find a wife at a site necessarily and/or why the profiles of women seeking a family might seem to have been there awhile - not because the site is at fault or useless or a scam - just that the right fits have not yet been found ;-)

Understand ???

Friday, September 27, 2013

New Season = Reflection

I love Fall.

Watching the trees change color and the leaves fall to the ground. Raking the leaves off the lawn is like a sort of 'cleaning house'.....removing things that no longer are useful to get back to the base...the ground floor so to speak.

 Don't get me wrong I love Spring and Summer too.......but for different reasons. Maybe I'm just getting older and more sentimental, but Fall triggers a nesting in me and makes me reflect on years past. Friends anew and old, and friends who have gone.

Then there is the one special leaf you find in your raking's perfect. Perfect coloration, perfect shape, just perfect. That leaf remnds me of things I may have rejected too quickly........blessings overlooked or dismissed. When I find such a leaf I keep it for awhile, take it out and ponder over it until my heart is settled :)

Did I mention that I love Fall ?

Monday, March 18, 2013

SPRING..........A Time of New Beginnings

I love Spring.
Did I tell you I love Spring?
Well I do.  I LOVE SPRING !

Spring is a time of new beginnings.
Trees bud and grow new leaves.  Flowers burst up from their dormant sleep and bloom new blooms.  The air has a certain aroma....Crisp and freshly laundered linens.  Ahhhhhhhh, Spring !

Life has new beginnings too this time of year.
People have a brighter outlook on life in the Spring....winter doldrums are lifted away.  Winter clothes are washed and stored away and lighter clothing is brought out and freshened for wear.  Mindsets change from indoor winter projects to planning outdoor projects.

Even troubles and trials seem lessened or easier in the Springtime.  At least for me they do.
Maybe it's the prettiness of everything around...........I'm really not sure.

All I know is...