Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Childlike or aDULLt-hood

We've all heard the phrase,"I may grow older but - refuse to grow up", yet most of us haven't really thought much about it.
SO....let's do just that !
Ok, here goes.......... First is obvious - we ALL grow older.  We hve no real say in stopping that reality, short of death.  Case closed there lol.
Second part is the best (in my mind) as it shows that we DO have control.  We can CHOOSE to NOT let the weight of adulthood make us stuffy and lifeless.  No need to become a fuddy-duddy.  We need not lose our childlike faith and heart.
How often do you hear people saying things like,"I used to love skipping rope (hula hooping, blowing bubbles,etc) but I'm too old for that now".  How sad is that !! I mean seriously...why should a person have to stop doing these fun things just because they have gotten older ?? Speaking for myself, Those activities have never left me. The hula hoop hangs in my shed, the bubblestuff is typically nearby and in good supply, and yes I still love coloring books ;-).
Some would say I need to act my age.
I say I already am.

I'd rather be Childlike than be drowning in aDULLthood.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful thoughts, sis! I try to make it a habit daily to play my video games or wrestle with the kids. My Grandparents, before they went Home were still very childlike and playful. That is my example :)
