Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Disposable People

I've been noticing a very sad occurance happening in the polygamy world.
Lately there has been too many "dissolving families" on facebook....maybe it's just something I've been blind to until now.......or maybe it's just not an occurance in my regular circles....but either way it's distressing.




It saddens me greatly to see people disolve marriages so quickly and without a care!  Some even get upset at others being upset about the callousness ...... something needs to change.  More people need to get legal contracts in place.  More people need to date longer before jumping into the marriage bed.  Marriage isn't a disposable diaper - you cannot throw it away when it gets poopy !

What gets me is the lackadaisical attitude of  it all.  How cold !  Really doesn't help people's trust issues to know that even though they are told how much they are valued and loved - tomorrow they could be booted without an old shoe.
A common factor are the first wives. In most of the instances I've seen, it's the first wives "deciding" that they don't want their husbands having another even though they may have been the one PUSHING for the husband to get a second wife, and may have found the second wife for the husband...when rubber met road and reality hit - rather than talk through feelings/emotions/issues - they insist the husband put out the other woman or else. We are not talking about stopping dating...we are talking about ending a marriage ! It's so wrong on so many ways it's disgusting and it's NOT what polygamous marriage REALLY IS !! These people who are described here also will be repeat offenders..which is even worse !!!
I have no answers as to how to stop the carnage.  And I also know it isn't the case in all polygamous marriages.

But frankly..........
The sooner polygamous marriages get decriminalized the better.


  1. I totally agree women are not toys that if a piece gets broken you throw it out and go buy a new one.

  2. way to go Sunnie! My thoughts exactly! Blessings to you and your this holiday!

  3. This perfectly echos my own feelings and frustrations! I'm so sick of seeing wives getting kicked to the curb when the going gets rough. Marriage isn't just a promise between a husband and wife, it is a promise made to and with God.

  4. Truer words never spoken.... Been there done that, being discarded like last night's garbage is NOT a pleasant feeling.
